Thursday, July 20, 2006

CBS Interview with +Katharine Jefferts Schori: Take 2

Episcopal News Service
Thursday, July 20, 2006
CBS Evening News plans July 23 profile of Presiding Bishop-electAnchor Russ Mitchell interviews Katharine Jefferts Schori[ENS]

A CBS Evening News profile of Presiding Bishop-elect KatharineJefferts Schori is scheduled to air nationwide during the 6 p.m. newscast onSunday, July 23, after last week's planned airing was pre-empted by breakingnews.The profile centers around a July 13 interview conducted by CBS News anchorRuss Mitchell with Jefferts Schori on the campus of the General TheologicalSeminary in New York City.Should the profile be rescheduled due to time constraints, the segment willair at a later time, said producer Chris Hulme.Clergy and lay leaders may wish to make this announcement in congregationsduring July 23 Sunday services.


  1. I commend Russ Mitchell for his professional demeanor and the respect he should +Katharine, even on the touch questions. I loved the picture of her refueling her plane!

  2. The interview was excellent as far as it went. I just wanted it to last the full half hour, but then we can't be too greedy can we :-) I agree with Catherine+, that Russ Mitchell did a fine job, and as I have felt each time I've seen +Katherine interviewed, she displays a graciousness, composure, brilliance that is, frankly, such a beautiful representation of her office and of Christ in her life. Thanks, Renee, for sharing the transcription with us. It's good to be able to go back over it again.


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