Best Summary of "As The Anglican World Turns" goes to Katie Sherrod (Diocese of Fort Worth) for "All Will Be Well."
Best Reflection on "Ordination, Feminism, Life, The Universe and Everything" goes to Elizabeth Kaeton (Diocese of Newark) for "Dancing With Mill Girls."
Best Blog by a Seminarian on "God" goes to Jeff Martinhauk (Diocese of Los Angeles/Seminary of the Southwest) for "God is Big."
Finally ...
Best Expose' on "Primates-Behaving-Badly" goes to Mark Harris (Diocese of Delaware) for "And then there were the Kigali Seventeen."
Here endeth the "Best of the Blogs" ... for now!
I've had an opportunity to check through some of them - great call! But you forgot to put yours in the mix!!! LOL!
I'm not certain what inspired this, but I hope somewhere in there was a Sapphire Gin Martini.
Thank you, my love, for the honor.
How grateful I am that this mostly lurking 'pisky has read most of your nominations for 'best' and enthusiastically agrees, thank you for this fine addition to the blogosphere. I even went back and read Elizabeth Keaton's post before commenting (fantastic post).
FWIW, I am moving away from lurking and with trepidation into posting. I have two topics to write about, the first being TEC's gathering response to the Global South. My rule is to gather 10x the material I need to publish, and I'm only at 5x or 6x, gainful employment and family life intervenes in inconvenient ways.
The latest post will be my own discoveries at a discernment committee for an aspirant whom I won't describe until much later, after he approves my draft.
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