Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Speaking of Family Values

As a long-time advocate for talking about the values that make a family rather than the gender that make the couple parenting a family I was thrilled to see this sweet young man singing an "ode to his two fathers" on You Tube!

Check it out here ... and give thanks for families that come in many shapes, sizes and varieties living out values that make this world a better place for all of us!


  1. This so beautiful
    So Kingdom
    I've told simply everyone to pop over to see it

    Thanks Suze

  2. I had seen that before... Now I see it again (thanks to MadPriest).

    Yes, it was cute.

  3. Thanks so much for that Rev - will point folk to it as well.

    Also got to discover this blog - two glimpses of the Kingdom in 5 minutes........ :-)

  4. Well, that simply made my eyes sweat. How lovely. Thanks, Suze.

  5. This past week-end I had the opportunity to meet the two newly adopted sons of my friends Mark and Joe. Those Dads are SO very mindful of what it is to be parents, doing everything they can to make sure that the boys have the best upbringing they can possibly provide. As soon as I saw this awesome YouTube song I immediately sent it along to them.

    Thanks for sharing!!


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