Tuesday, February 20, 2007

From the Mouths of Bishops

Here's a little "round up" of which miter is saying what:

The Right Reverend J. Neil Alexander, Bishop of Atlanta

The Right Reverend Andrew Smith, Bishop of Connnecticut
The Right Reverend Marc Andrus, Bishop of California
The Right Reverend Mark Sisk, Bishop of New York
The Right Reverend Jack Leo Iker,
Bishop of Fort Worth
The Right Reverend James L. Jelinek, Bishop of Minnesota


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Today is W.H. Auden's birthday. Pass it along, and be sure to note that this brilliant gay Anglican poet's "manner of life" would "present a challenge" to our sexually repristinated church.

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    If both Bp Iker and Bp Andrus are upset with the Communique, perhaps it has something going for it. It might be a real Via Media.



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