Saturday, May 05, 2007

It was Garden Party Day in the Diocese of Los Angeles ...

... and the party was to support and celebrate the ministry of the Bishop's Commission on Gay & Lesbian Ministry here in L.A.

. I had pre-party flower arranging duty for the gathering held this year in +Jon & Mary's lovely backyard ...

... a perfect setting on a perfect day for a perfectly fabulous party!

It was an occasion to eat, drink, be merry and ...

... after thanking +Jon and Mary for their extraordinary hospitality and unflagging support for the full inclusion of ALL the baptized in the Body of Christ ...

... to buy the t-shirts that this year will grace our Pride Parade contingent when we take "The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU!" message to the Long Beach (May 20) and Los Angeles (June 10) Gay Pride Parades this year.

The parade theme this year is "Our Agenda: Equality" and so our t-shirts say "Our Agenda: Equal Rites ... Blessing ALL Unions ... The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU!"
It was a beautiful day in the Neighborhood ... wish you were here! :)

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