Tuesday, March 04, 2008

As Ohio Goes?????

Quote of the night:
"Together, we will turn promises into action,
words into solutions
and hope into reality."

Well, at least it isn't dull!

Clinton takes Ohio ... MSNBC

UPDATE: 9:50 ... MSNBC calls Texas for Clinton!
Go Figure!


  1. So, what about Florida and Michigan? Do they seat those delegations? Do they not seat them? Do they find a way to re-select the delegates?

    There are people who have maintained that it's unconstitutional to ignore those delegations entirely. I don't see that - the Democratic Party is a private organization and it can choose it's own rules for selecting a candidate. But it seems to me that the party will be shooting itself in the foot if it simply ignores Florida and Michigan.

  2. HIL-LA-RY!


  3. Dear Rev. Russell:

    The quote of the night sounds like one of those vacuous statements that Hillary always accuses Barack of saying.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim from Michigan

  4. We came through for you in Texas too!


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