Monday, March 17, 2008

An End of An Era

So I'm wondering if there actually WILL be life after Vero Beach.

Will it still be spring training if Vin Scully isn't -- one more time -- explaining the cosmic connection between Holman Stadium in Vero Beach and Dodger Stadium in Chavez Ravine?

Will it still count as the Nation's Pastime if the Boys in Blue don't hit the field in Vero Beach to start the pre-season?

Well, we'll find out, won't we? For this very day ... at this very hour, in fact ... as I take a break from all that Holy Week & Easter preparations entail ... in Vero Beach the Dodgers are playing their last-ever spring training game at Holeman Stadium ...

... and trailing 12-9 to the Houston Astros as they go into the 9th inning.
Whatever the outcome of the game, there's "always tomorrow" ... and whatever the outcome of the season there's "always next year." But this year, that sure and certain hope is tinged with a little sadness and there will NOT be a "next year" for Dodgertown, Vero Beach.
And so, an era ends. And a season begins. And, as every good baseball litanist knows, the response to that versicle is:

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