Monday, April 14, 2008

An Outward and Visible Sign ..

I couldn't resist a snap of this outward and visible sign of putting faith into action from the All Saints Church parking lot ...

More on things Anglican later ...


  1. I found the huge Prius bumper irresistible and have three stickers on mine which I change periodically. Currently they are "Vote against hate in 2008", "All Sorts and Conditions of People - The Inclusive Episcopal Church" and a series of rainbow cats. I have a new one which says "Be careful who you hate - it might be someone you love". I know, it should be "whom" but I'm not the designer.

  2. Dear Rev. Russell:

    The only think disturbing to this Michigan native is that all those stickers are attached to a Japanese car.
    Do us a favor back here in Michigan. Buy American, please.
    The jobs you save could be your own.
    Everytime I travel to my home state I always insist on renting an American brand automobile. But I'm still very much in the minority on your highways.
    We in depressed old Michigan would appreciate it.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim from Michigan


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