Monday, May 26, 2008

Letter to the Editor

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted by All Saints parishioner Cathy Clement to the Pasadena Star News in response to the 5/22/08 article on marriage equality that included this quote:

One opponent, Richard J. Mouw, president of the conservative Protestant Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, said Thursday that he believes All Saints is "making a very serious mistake" in performing marriage rites for same-sex couples - and he advised Bacon to read Romans 1.

Here's Cathy's letter:

Letter to the editor of the Pasadena-Star News

Greetings ~

I respectfully disagree with Richard Mouw, the esteemed president of my alma mater, Fuller Theological Seminary. His statement that the Bible does not support granting the right to marry to homosexuals employs the same style of biblical argument that was made by 19th century clergy to defend slavery and in the 20th century to oppose women's rights and ordination.

If Rector Ed Bacon of All Saints Church needs to read Romans 1, as Mouw suggests, perhaps Rich Mouw needs to read Philemon. Both address social institutions -- gender roles and slavery -- that the light of the Gospel eventually exposed.

God has been mercifully patient with how long the liberating implications of the Gospel have taken to dawn on the church. May we recognize that extending the right to marry to all adults who wish to commit to a faithful, lifelong union does not strain the social fabric but in fact strengthens it.

Cathy Clement

Brava, Cathy! Whether the Star News prints it or not, it's a keeper!

1 comment:

  1. On the contrary, an argument for accepting same-sex sexual relationships can only be made using the same Scripture-twisting arguments that were used to justify slavery as found in America.


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