Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Breaking GAFCON News

While we've been busy marrying people here at All Saints Church in Pasadena (more on that shortly!) it seems that the Jordanians are declining +Peter Akinola entry into Jordan for the upcoming GAFCON event.

Episcopal Cafe is commenting on the story reported in Ruth Gledhill's blog:

The GAFCON planners have issued a press release saying that the archbishop flew into Tel Aviv, but was not allowed to cross into Jordan because "previously granted permission was deemed insufficient." The Jordanians apparently told Akinola that he needed clearances beyond those afforded by his diplomatic passport.

Readers of the Café will remember that Akinola, a fierce critic of Islam, has refused to answer questions about his knowledge of, or involvement in, the retributive massacre of some 700 Muslim
in the town of Yelwa in northern Nigeria in 2004.

The massacre was carried out by a para-militia wearing clothing
associating it with the Christian Association of Nigeria of which Akinola was then president.

Stay tuned!

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