Saturday, June 28, 2008

My initial reaction to the "GAFCON Communique" ...

You can read it all here ... and I'll admit I haven't had time today to really "study" it. Maybe I'll have more to say later. Or maybe not.
Rachel Zoll in her AP article called it a "plan to create a global fellowship that challenges worldwide Anglican unity but stops short of a formal split."
Sorry if after a decade of saber rattling and schism mongering I'm not convinced that's actually "breaking news!"
And Jim Naughton had this to say in the comments over at Episcopal Cafe:

Step back from the details of this particular document for a moment, and consider the nature of GAFCON. It has brought together bishops from some of the poorest countries on Earth to deliver the residents of some of the richest suburbs in America from living in a Church to which they cannot dictate terms. Zimbabwe is on fire. Darfur is bleeding. Ethnic strife and pandemic disease rage across the African continent while these bishops devote themselves to rescuing the Episcopalians of Orange County, California and Fairfax County, Virginia from persecution that does not exist.
And how will they achieve this? By calling the world to faith in the Gospel as it was delivered to them by representatives of an empire that conquered their homelands, stole their resources and denied their ancestors even the most basic human rights.
One doesn’t know whether to laugh or weep.

And then there was my favorite part ... this a quote from Rachel's feature: "In their official statement, conservatives said they 'do not accept that Anglican identity is determined necessarily through recognition by the archbishop of Canterbury.' "

And that makes us the revisionists?

Like I said:


1 comment:

  1. Want to see “Confessional Anglicanism” at work?
    where they “discuss” the document.
    Three quarters of the comments from 10-78 they are bickering amongst themselves. Some samples:
    “Shame on you for ruining the final day of the conference.” (30)
    “I could give a flying #@$@ about all this garbage” (78)




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