Sunday, July 20, 2008

BBC News on the Lambeth Conference

Here's a link to the BBC News report on today's "Lambeth Happenings" ... including a brief interview with +Venables of Southern Cone fame (who declined to receive communion in the cathedral with the Apostate Americans) a nice snippet of the sermon by Bishop Duleep de Chickera of Colombo, Sri Lanka and a look at our VERY windy Eucharist on the Hill.

(And now I'm going to bed! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday's eucharist near St Stephen's was a very rare and special occasion in Canterbury, made as much by the fact that you even came here as it was by your fine, sharply observed sermon. So many things made it a profoundly moving and joyful experience for me. Most of all it was just a relief to be able to share the sacrament with such a real sense of belonging for once, even if the circumstances were somewhat bittersweet. To share that day with sisters and brothers from across the world, in a city I think of as home, will always be very precious to me. While what took place in the Cathedral was doubtless amazing, it was no more so than what took place in that windsept field! Thankyou and very best wishes for the rest of your stay, in Him, Greg Ironside


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