Monday, July 28, 2008


From the Press Release I just sent out responding to today's release of Part Three of the Windsor Continuation Group's Preliminary Observations:


"LGBT Anglicans are back on the chopping block based on the work of the Windsor Continuation Group. While we recognize that this is a long-term process, sadly, what was continued today was the process of institutionalizing bigotry and marginalizing the LGBT baptized. Acceptance of these recommendations would result in de facto sacramental apartheid."

"We applaud the strong testimony in today's hearings from TEC bishops who are committed to be pastoral to all the sheep in their flock, not just the straight ones. We call on them to take that witness to their Indaba groups. We ask them to remember the 1976 commitment of the Episcopal Church to 'full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church' for the LGBT baptized."

"It is a sad thing indeed that the message today's report sends out from the Anglican Communion to the world is that homosexuals getting married in California are of more concern to the church than are homosexuals being mugged in Nigeria."

"As Integrity continues to offer our witness here at Lambeth Conference, we demonstrate our deep commitment to our ongoing relationship with the rest of the global Anglican Communion. At the same time, we will witness to our conviction that the vocations and relationships of the LGBT baptized are not for sale as bargaining chips in this game of global Anglican politics. At the end of the day, too high a price to pay for institutional unity."


And the beat goes on.


  1. Winnie Varghese+ once observed to me that she couldn't understand why the Episcopal Church was all wrapped up in trying to prop up one of the last remnants of the British Empire and I couldn't agree more!

  2. The ABC has just told us to go or be abused. Time to go.


  3. Susan,
    Thank you for your witness at Lambeth. God bless you in your continued work.

  4. Susan -- When they indict the poor hatefilled bastard who shot up and killed people at the UU Church in Tennessee, they must also refer to those who, draped in "churchly" sanctity, give cover to such madness.

    If our bishops don't show backbone, with great sadness, I will leave.

  5. How does calling for obedience to Scripture place anyone on the chopping block?

    If you want to see people placed on the 'chopping block' by unrepentant sinners claiming to be bishops of the church, you might look towards the Sudan.

  6. The tired old line of Sudanese dying because of gay Americans?

    It is simply untrue.

    Eliminate all the gays from the church, from Christianity, there would be no less killing in Sudan, no less suffering. I have great trouble believing that Reasserters in the First World - who sit comfortably and safely at home - have that much concern for the Sudanese. I find it sad that Reasserter bishops and financial-backers need to play the old colonial imperialist game of manipulating those in the Third World to fight their battles. There may be Scripture in the Reasserter position, but there is nothing of God.

  7. Why is it some folks are so committed to preserving what they perceive as their "right" to be bigoted?

  8. Mark,
    No - not the 'dying' line.

    Having their communion 'chopped off' has already happened to the Sudanese - because of unrepentant "bishops" in the US (and that isn't Gene),

    The 'Chopping Block' Christians face in the Sudan may be no more literal than the one unrepentant sinners face if the communion does toss the PECUSA, but at present, it the Sudanese who suffer impaired communion within the church because of the single-minded, who cares what the rest think, attitude and actions of the PECUSA.

    If the 'Chopping Block' is what the unrepentant face in the US (if the measures against PECUSA have teeth), it is equally the 'Chopping Block' now faced by the Christians in Sudan.

    It isn't the Sudanese who are sending in the 'rescue bishops' - they're trying very hard to 'play nice' - it is a shame that the PECUSA isn't.

    BTW, I find it interesting that you'll grant the scripture supports the position that folks like Gene Robinson aren't bishops, but deny that God does.

    This is perhaps one of the big differences between us, I think the scriptures are the basis of faith and practice. As apparently the Sudanese do was well...

  9. None of what you said, "baron" reflects reality or makes any sense; I'm sorry, Susan, but I'm not trying to be abusive or argumentative, it's just that absolutely no basis from what he is proposing I said. For instance, most glaringly, I made no mention of Bp. Robinson's position vis-a-vis scripture, God or anything else.

    Perhaps, though, his reply is just a wheeze, like the "Dominion of British West Florida."


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