Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Whattya think?

An ENS release yesterday announced the unveiling of a new look for the Episcopal Church website ... and here it is!

Check it out and see what you think! The goals for the redesign were, according to ENS: "Easier navigation, better search functionality, and a more modern style"

I haven't had time to "explore" -- and don't expect to get time today -- but my initial reaction is "I like it." Stay tuned for further reviews as they come in!


  1. It seems to be lacking in some accessibility features (e.g., for people who are blind) such as missing
    alt text for images, no apparent logical layout, non-conforming html coding.

    Admittedly that is one of my pet peeves.

  2. Our computers in the church's DC office can't access the national website for some reason, but looking at your thumbnail, I sure wish I could! Thanks for posting, it does look engagign! We've long needed easier navigation.

  3. Lo and behold, ten minutes after my comment, our computers work once more. Oh, irony, how I love you. Bravo!


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