Monday, August 18, 2008

Betty would have been 83 today ...

Betty Lou Bundy
circa 1928

Click here for a "This Is Your Life" slideshow ...
... and join me in giving thanks for her life well lived!


  1. dang it, here I am crying at work.
    I give thanks for Betty and her life. I give thanks for you and the work that you have done, are doing and will continue to do.
    I am quite certain that Betty must be proud of you.

  2. This has moved me to tears. What a beautiful tribute to your mother. You are an incredible woman. Thank you for sharing this and prayers for all your family.

  3. Yes - here I am too, all teary eyes. What a tribute and what a family you have.

    Rest in peace Betty and rise in glory!

    I have no doubt about that!!

    Thank you for sharing this so generously, it is like a big light into the world.

  4. What a wonderful tribute. (Gee, do I echo everyone else?) I didn't realise she died so soon to her birthday...

    Hope you had a gentle day as you marked her day...

    Thanks so much for putting the slideshow up.

  5. +Requiem aeternam dona eia, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eia+

  6. A beautiful tribute.

  7. A wonderful "I Remember Mama" tribute. Betty is pleased, I'm sure.

  8. Susan -- crying and loving my mother as well as yours. Bless you.


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