Sunday, September 14, 2008

In case you missed it ...

... not so live ...

... from New York ...


UPDATE: I understand You Tube took down the clip but if you click here you can still watch it ... after a 14 second commercial. (Worth the wait ... trust me!)


  1. I stayed up to watch it last night and it was so worth it! The writing was brilliant and Tina Fey appeared to be channeling Sarah Palin...they also did a terrific job of portraying what Hilary Clinton must be feeling through all of this. Humor is a wonderful release and boy do we need a good dose right about now.

  2. Youtube took it down. It is available here:

  3. It was way funny ... and will keep Fey returning to SNL for years.

  4. Yep ... if Tina Fey's agent is worth his/her salt, Tina just got a big fat old raise!!!

  5. Dear Rev. Russell:

    Thanks for the link. My bedtime is much earlier than SNL (although I used to watch it weekly in the 1980s) This was very funny.

    I just hope they put Sarah on with Tina in the near future. The two Hillarys during the primary was priceless. Tina and Sarah together could be equally funny.

    I'm thankful for a little levity in all the heaviness of this year's campaign.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace

    Jim of Michigan

  6. Even my nominally Republican wife called me up at work today and told me I had to watch this when I got home. She said that Tina just nailed it ;)

  7. OK, watched it and nearly had a spasm laughing :D

    I was already madly in love with Tina Fey, and now it's just gotten worse... ::sigh::


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