Saturday, October 25, 2008

FOX News 11: Decision 2008 -- Proposition 8

So last night they aired a 30 minute "fair and balanced" segment on our local Fox News Channel 11 on the issues around Proposition 8. Our friend Fr. Geoff (pictured below) was part of the feature ...

... as were No on 8 callers here at All Saints Church. Overall, I was really pleased with the piece. I think they painted a pretty clear difference between our positions and now we just have to keep staying on message and keep getting the word out. See what you think!

Click here go to the KTTV website where you can watch the piece in four different 6ish-minute segments. And don't miss this keeper quote from Pastor Jim, wherein he says we need to:

"Compel people to embrace the teachings of the Bible and elect Godly people who would appoint appropriate judges who would understand what's best for the culture."

My, my, my!


  1. ah yes. the theocratic approach.

    send in the ... Puritans (to the music of Judy Collins' 'Send in the Clowns').


  2. Look, I know it would be misused so I don't really mean this but sometimes I wish we made people pass a civics test before being allowed to vote. The ignorance of our Constitution and form of government just floors me!


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