Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We DID!!!

Here's what history looked like through the lens of the AP photographer ...

And here's what it looked like this morning at All Saints Church in Pasadena!

The cheering crowd numbered in the hundreds ... folks from the parish and the community-at-large who made their way to the All Saints Forum ...

... signed in, found some bagels, pan dulce & coffee and found a seat in the crowd ...
. ... that settled in to watch on the "big screen" a moment in some ways too-big-for words!
For this little, it was chance to get pictures in the baby book that said "you were THERE sweetie!" when he's old enough to understand what happened on January 20, 2009.
For others, it was a chance to put finally away the Countdown Clock and look forward to a New Tomorrow!

Much more to say, to ponder, to celebrate ... but for the MOMENT it's "back to work we go" as the regular business of a busy parish Tuesday takes back over my calendar.



  1. How did the attendance at that event compare to 4 years ago when President Bush was inaugurated?

  2. Make no mistake; I wish President Obama well. Regardless of who is in office this is my country, the greatest on Earth, and neither American nor the world can afford failure. May God keep him and save him and grant him wisdom, strength and courage. May he seek God and listen to him. For all our sakes.

  3. We watched on CNNESP here in Mexico. They said the crowd on the National Mall was three times larger than four years ago. The authorities eventually closed the gates to the secured area in Central DC.

  4. You did. And congratulations to All of us!


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