Thursday, February 19, 2009

Meanwhile, in other news ...

Here's the press release our communication director just sent out about the Forum at All Saints on Sunday featuring Mormon filmmaker Douglas Hunter and the documentary short-film we made together last year. (Yeah, I might have titled the release something other than "Mormon Filmmaker and Lesbian Priest" -- but you DO want any media types who might be interested to actually READ the thing when they get it!)

Anyway, looking forward to welcoming Douglas to All Saints Church on Sunday. If you're in the neighborhood, drop by!

February 19, 2009

Mormon Filmmaker & Lesbian Priest to Speak at All Saints Church, Pasadena

An unlikely collaboration between Mormon filmmaker Douglas Hunter and Episcopal priest Susan Russell began when Hunter explored the production of a documentary project designed to explore the theological divide on gay and lesbian issues. An internet search, typing in “Christian gay,” brought him to Russell -- who became the centerpiece of his 19-minute film, "The Constant Process."

During the making of the film, Russell and Hunter formed a deep friendship -- and Hunter found himself speaking out in opposition to his church leaders when he joined the "No on 8" campaign during the 2008 election.

On Sunday, February 22nd, Douglas Hunter will be the featured speaker in the All Saints Church Rector's Forum. The program begins at 10:15 a.m. and will include a screening of Hunter's film and reflections from both Hunter and Russell on the journey that brought them together and where they go from here. Both will be available for media comment following the program, which concludes at 11:00 a.m. All Saints Church is located at 132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, 91101.

For further information, contact Keith Holeman, All Saints' Director of Communications, at 626.583.2739 or

1 comment:

  1. Blessings on and prayers for Doug and Gregg.


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