Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Debunking the Myths:

#1 -- Churches and other religious institutions will be forced to marry same-sex couples

#2 -- Religious institutions can face penalties such as law suits or loss of tax exempt status if they refuse to marry same-sex couples

#3 -- Marriage as we know it will be destroyed

"Massachusettes can prove that what people feared has not come about. The only thing that has transpired is that people who love each other now have the same rights as other people who love each other."


  1. Sadly the facts don't seem to dissuade the fear mongers.

  2. I hope the minister from the Old South church is wrong that Episcopalians cannot perform them because their tradition does not allow it. I know some bishops feel that way; I as hoping the Bp. of Mass would allow his clergy to perform them.


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