Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Thought

So if Christian fundamentalists want to teach Creationism alongside Evolution as if it's a science, shouldn't they be supportive of teaching Astrology alongside Astronomy -- what with this being a country in favor of freedom of religion and all?


  1. So now you have a problem with astrology TOO?!

  2. And while we're at it, let's teach alchemy alongside chemistry. Why the heck not?!

  3. Oh heavens -- my major in college was astronomy and it's already difficult to persuade people that I don't do horoscopes.

  4. Actually I think there is something here. Why not file litigation against States that have 'creation science' laws seeking theory equity. My favorite is the Egyptian story of how life was created on earth. Watching a Baptist teach THAT could be fun!


  5. In a related story, Cal Tech has announced it will offer Cosmetology as well as Cosmology classes, in order to better "teach the controversy."

    Also in the news, Liberty University ordered its fledgling College Democrats club to shut down, and will be changing its name to Theocracy University.

  6. A wonderful idea! After all, it is mentioned in the Bible, and there were magicians from the east and all that.... who could object?!

  7. And how about Solomon's magic? There's also the reading of sheep entrails and other exciting things which could be taught along side comparative anatomy, etc.

    The possibilities are pretty limitless!


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