Tuesday, July 28, 2009

From the mouths of blog commenters

Question for the Archbishop of Canterbury:

"So in the new "two tiered communion" which water fountains are we to drink from?"


  1. The Fountain of Life which Jesus gave us. This is the one fountain.

  2. Now, now; don't be so quick to rule out the fountain of youth. I fondly remember days when taking arthritis meds weren't necessary.

  3. To me, it is a fountain of youth. More than that. Fountain of Life Eternal. And that I am thinking about.

  4. Since we seem to be the "chosen", I think we should have living water, please.

  5. Are you willing to settle for a belief system that sees you as 2nd tier? It's time to kick Archibishop of Canterbury to the curb. Integrity is crucial at this point -- will you press on?

  6. You drink from the tall fountain, because you've taken the high road.


SOME COMMENTS ABOUT COMMENTS: •Feel free to disagree, but if you disagree, give a reason. • Please stay with the thread -- the place to post long articles on other topics is your own blog. • Challenging ideas will get a conversation going; attacking individuals will get a comment deleted.•

FINALLY: If you comment, your words are yours to do with as you please, but I reserve the right to cite them in other contexts.