Thursday, July 23, 2009

Icons of Resolve

GC2009-Resolution C056 said in part:

Resolved, That bishops, particularly those in dioceses within civil jurisdictions where same-gender marriage, civil unions, or domestic partnerships are legal, may provide generous pastoral response to meet the needs of members of this Church;

These are they. Members of this church. This slide show is just the tip of the iceberg ... but worth another look today, I thought, as icons of what this church can and will be as it lives into this resolution passed at the 76th General Convention -- and as we prepare together to collect those liturgical resources the church has asked to compile for consideration at the 77th General Convention.

But for the moment ... let's just rejoice and be glad in the love and commitment to Christ and to one another in these icons of holy love.


  1. found you somewhere else on the internet :)

  2. Oh my. Aren't we beautiful people?
    Hasn't God surely created us in His image? Amen!

  3. This made me weep with both joy and sadness.

    I will never, ever, ever, ever and I do mean ever, understand why people would deny marriage to two people clearly united in love and commitment...and in Christ.

    I saw one couple that I know via blogging in your slideshow, that one really got me crying.

    It is all very beautiful to see that things are moving ahead. As a straight Roman Catholic, I stand united with you all and wait in joyful but impatient hope for change to come more broadly.


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