Friday, February 19, 2010

Report from the Episcopal Front

From today's ENS feature on the meeting of TEC's Executive Council (in progress in Omaha):

[Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori] -- "As we go about our work I would simply encourage us to remember that our intentions are the best and our disagreements in the midst of that are an opportunity for greater engagement rather than avoidance. Our struggles are a gift if we stay engaged; if we don't stay engaged, they become destructive."

[Presiding Bishop] Jefferts Schori concluded her remarks by telling council members that "things are heating up in South Carolina."

She noted that Diocese of South Carolina Bishop Mark Lawrence has delayed the diocese's annual convention and attributed the delay "supposedly to my incursions in South Carolina."

"He's telling the world that he is offended that I think it's important that people who want to stay Episcopalians there have some representation on behalf of the larger church," she said, asking for the council's prayers for the people of the diocese.

Near the end of the 2008 Lambeth Conference, Lawrence told reporters that during a meeting of conservative Anglicans and Episcopalians in Jerusalem a few weeks earlier he had witnessed a "new prince" being born.

Lawrence said he knew that his role is now to "hold together as much as I can for as long as I can that when he comes to his rightful place on St. Augustine's throne in Canterbury Cathedral he will have a faithful and richly textured kingdom."




  1. Hmmm...Just for the record stuff about priestly "princes" sitting on thrones with the names of Saints before them is part of what drove me away from the church of my childhood and into TEC. Just thought I would mention that :/

  2. I had forgotten Lawrence's "new prince" ramble. I wondered at the time what was going on in there.


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