Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Fun facts to know and tell about the May 15th ordinations of Bishops Suffragan in the Diocese of Los Angeles

We're on Consecration Countdown here in the Diocese of Los Angeles ... and as I'm getting lots of questions from around and about the church about details, I figured I'd answer some of the FAQs here:
  • Seating for nearly 7,000 will be available at the Long Beach Arena, where doors will open at 12 noon. (Nobody's talking about needing tickets.)
  • A celebration gathering featuring music and dance will begin at 12:30 p.m.
  • The liturgy itself is set to begin at 1:30 p.m.
  • Ample parking, priced at $10 per car, is available at the adjacent Long Beach Convention Center.
  • The official host hotel is the Westin Long Beach, where special rates have been negotiated. (Yes, the Long Beach Airport is the closest, but LAX is an easy shuttle away.)
  • Clergy wishing to vest and process will want to know that the vestments du jour will be red stole/cassock & surplice
  • The diocesan website has more details ... and is threatening to post up a Fact Sheet, Media Credentialling info and Biographies of the bishops-elect any day now
  • Finally -- just to make sure everybody is in the loop -- you should know that May 15-16 is Gay Pride Weekend in Long Beach. (And no, I couldn't make that up.)


  1. Ok, so you need to know that BP is REALLY ANNOYED that we made our travel plans to be flying on that day on a combo-work-family trip. Or else we would go up to Long Beach for this.

    BP tp IT: We should totally go!

    IT to BP: We already made our flight res!

    Somehow I think BP thinks I shoulda known....

    You need to remember we want to be there!

  2. Wow. I've been to Long Beach twice in my life - on either end of a Mexican cruise - and my wife and I stayed at the Westin Long Beach. (Neither of us could figure out why the Californians were wearing coats.) We worshipped both Sundays at St. Luke's(?) a few blocks from the hotel.

  3. Well, it certainly seems like the right, and good, and joyfoul thing that LGBT Pride in Long Beach is THAT weekend! :) Congratulations again to both women!

  4. Loving that Gay Pride is being celebrated with the consecration!

  5. Yep .. and it's a TOTAL coincidence.

    Date was what worked with the PB's calendar and venue was what was [a] big enough and [b] within the budget on [c] the date that worked with the PB's calendar.

    So Long Beach will TOTALLY be the place to be ... it's going to be a heckuva celebration!

  6. If you're going to the ordinations, instead of driving and parking, consider taking the Blue Line, which has a stop a block away (1st St. and Long Beach Blvd.).

    Easier and more convenient than parking. Cheaper -- $1.25 each way or $5.00 system-wide all-day pass.

    And you can have a celebratory cocktail or two afterwards without having to worry about driving!

  7. Okay, I may have to stay in LB on Sunday instead of going to Pasadena to help hand out some Jesus.

    Thanks for these facts. I had heard that there were to be tickets. Good call to get a place large enough so that isn't necessary.

  8. Wouldn't it be wonderful if "Gay Pride" could dispense with g-strings studded collars and leather for this one very important occasion.
    I hope and pray.

  9. Oh look, snark. And I always thought God loved EVERYONE.

  10. The "wedding garments" of God's Banquet will look a LOT more like "g-strings studded collars and leather" than they will the Sunday-Go-To-Church attire of the self-righteous. BELIEVE IT, John.

    I will be in the final throes of "The Dreaded MOVE" come May 15. Spare a prayer for me, amidst Consecrative Joy?

  11. Re Elizabeth Kaeton's note: what does "hand out some Jesus mean?"

  12. Marcia - It's irreverent clergy talk for being a Eucharistic Minister.


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