Sunday, February 06, 2011

Diocese of East Carolina Says "Thanks But No Thanks" to Proposed Anglican Covenant

I'm getting ready to head out to the Super Bowl Party our GALAS group (Gays And Lesbians All Saints) is hosting ... (Go, Packers!) ... but wanted to post his one quick "breaking news" bit from the Diocese of East Carolina (with thanks to Elizabeth Kaeton for the link and lead!)

As recorded on the Diocese of East Carolina website under "Resolutions Adopted" was this one ... with LOTS of "whereases":

RESOLUTION #1 - A Resolution on the Anglican Communion Covenant

WHEREAS, the 2009 General Convention of The Episcopal Church adopted Resolution DO20 inviting dioceses and congregations “to consider the Anglican Covenant proposed draft as a document to inform their understanding and commitment to our common life in the Anglican Communion;” and

WHEREAS the 127th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina adopted Resolution 1, encouraging the Diocese “to study the final draft of the Anglican Communion Covenant in 2010” and “that delegates to the 128th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina be strongly encouraged “ to come prepared to discuss and act on the Anglican Communion Covenant”; and

WHEREAS the Anglican Communion Covenant presents the Communion with “a statement of faith, mission and interdependence of life which is consistent with its own life and with the doctrine and practice of the Christian faith as it has received them.”(Anglican Communion Covenant 4.1.2 {hereinafter ACC}); and

WHEREAS we believe the Anglican Communion Covenant raises the four “Instruments of Unity” to the status of governing bodies with unprecedented power (ACC 3.1.4, and 3.2.11); and

WHEREAS the Anglican Communion Covenant states that when “questions arise relating to the meaning of the Covenant, or about the compatibility of an action by a covenanting Church with the Covenant” and that “(s)uch questions may be raised by a Church itself, another covenanting Church or the Instruments of Communion”(ACC4.2.3), but no process is outlined for raising, receiving or dealing with such questions; and

WHEREAS the Anglican Communion Covenant provides no right of appeal to the judgment of the newly empowered Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion; and

WHEREAS the express purpose of the Anglican Communion Covenant express purpose is to aid in “proclaim(ing) more effectively in our different contexts the grace of God revealed in the gospel, to offer God’s love in responding to the needs of the world, to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and together with all God’s people to attain the full stature of Christ (Eph 4.3,13)”(ACC Preamble) yet can be read as creating a Church of full members, second class members and former members.(ACC 4.2.7); and

WHEREAS this The Episcopal Church has, since 1789, enjoyed a church polity which is democratic in form and the Anglican Communion Covenant asks that we submit our processes of discernment to the will of an ill-defined body without checks and balances;

[WHEW! Finally ...!]

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this 128th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina requests that the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church to express our thanks to the drafters of the Anglican Communion Covenant for their diligence; and

[That's the "Thanks" part ...]

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this 128th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina requests that the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church express our earnest desire, without approval of the Covenant as presented at this time, to continue in conversation concerning issues of the Communion with our fellow Churches of the Anglican Communion; and

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this 128th Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina requests that the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church to express our desire that any future Covenant presented to this The Episcopal Church represent more truly, and with greater clarity and full recognition of voices of laity and clergy, our Anglican tradition and Christian faith.

[And those are the "No Thanks" parts!]

Well done, East Carolina! May others "go and do likewise!"


  1. That is such refreshing news. It reminds me of who we are.

  2. It's weakened anyway, even the conservatives don't accept it. Oh well, let the chips fall as they may.

  3. Susan, have you seen this post from Prop8trialtracker:

    I'd like to see your take on the nature of "violence" discussed here


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