Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Let your light so shine ..."

Yes, it's been a busy week or so. Between "thank-you notes" to Kim Kardashian, Maryland Bishops Behaving Badly, action at OccupyLA and then the Prop 8 decision on Thursday there's been a lot to write, respond and blog about.

Meanwhile, the All Saints beat goes on. We've got my rector back on Oprah on Sunday, some amazing speakers coming to All Saints in the weeks ahead, a cold-weather coat drive going for Pasadena school kids and tomorrow ... Sunday, November 20th ... we will baptize eleven adults and welcome 21 other new members at the 11:15 service at the culmination of our Fall 2011 new member class.

Yep. Baptize ELEVEN.
And welcome TWENTY-ONE more.

THIRTY-TWO new members of All Saints Church ... folks who have decided after our 8-week new member class that they want to (as the rector puts it) make All Saints their spiritual headquarters and be part of the adventure of putting their faith into action as we work together to turn the human race into the human family.

Don't tell me there aren't people out there in the market for what the Episcopal Church has to offer! And it isn't just where I hang out ... if you missed the piece in the New York Times about St. Bart's don't. Miss it. "To Capture the Mystery."

I'm filing it all under Matthew 5:15 in hopes that the light shining out from St. Bart's in the New York Times and from All Saints in Pasadena tomorrow as we welcome these new folks into the household God and invite them to share with us in Christ's eternal priesthood will spread a little light unto everyone in the house.

So let your light so shine. And have a great Sunday, everybody! We certainly plan to!

1 comment:

  1. Whatever you're doing right, Susan, you & All Saints should Keep Doing It!

    [Have y'all considered a plant somewhere nearby? Or maybe patent the "All Saints' 'How to Grow Your Church' Method"?]


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