Wednesday, November 09, 2011

This is what "a dog's life" looks like at my house:

"A Dog's Life:" The Morning Version

"A Dog's Life:" The Afternoon Version


  1. Aw! [Hope a Vigorous Daily Walk occurs somewhere in there...]

  2. I'm sure if you asked them they would tell you that it is a tough assignment to look after you. There might be a food spill in the kitchen that needs immediate attention. The couch needs to be pre-warmed for your use at exactly the right temperature, and you do want to know when the postal carrier delivers the mail don't you? Oh, and there is also the ever present possibility of a squirrel invasion.

  3. I would say the dogs lead a charmed life ... most definitely! Lucky dogs!

  4. How smart to use the cushion as a pillow.


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