Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Opening Day Double Header!

This is the blog post that ran over at Walking With Integrity yesterday ... it was one of those "perfect storm" days when I actually had a day OFF and was getting caught up on things like laundry and bills when I got the update that a blog I'd posted to the Huffington Post had gone "live" just as I was sending off another one because while I was doing the laundry and paying the bills, I had come across Rick Warren's Easter Sunday interview on ABC "This Week" and just couldn't let well enough alone.

Well ... THAT one they posted up within about 25 minutes ... so there was my Double Header!

I'm proud of both pieces ... the essence of the Homophobia one appeared here on Monday and it's getting a nice response. But the Rick Warren one is getting more attention ... with the over 400 comments posted-or-pending overwhelmingly positive and grateful to be hearing an alternative voice to Purpose Drive Pastor Warren.

Check them out ... and Happy Easter Week! (Alleluia, Alleluia!)


Today was Opening Day at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and baseball fan Susan Russell celebrated with a Double Header ... two blog posts going live on The Huffington Post on the same day.

"It's unusual for that to happen," Russell said. "But I can't think of a better way to start the new season than with a Dodger win and two blogs up on the HuffPost!"

The first -- "The High Cost of Homophobia" -- was a response to the recently released survey linking homophobic actions to self-loathing and a reflection on the collateral damage done by internalized homophobia.

The second -- "Seriously? An Open Letter to the Purpose Driven Pastor" -- was a reaction to Rick Warren's Easter Sunday interview on ABC's "This Week" and included a remedial look at the Bible and the Bill of Rights.

See for yourself:

"The High Cost of Homophobia"
Catching up on the news of the weekend, I came across a new study linking homophobia to repressed same-sex attractions. My first reaction was, "This belongs in the file folder labeled 'Duh!'" -- because it only confirms what we have long suspected, known, and experienced.

"Seriously? An Open Letter to the Purpose Driven Pastor"
According to Matthew's gospel, when Jesus comes to judge on the last day the answer that gets you into the sheep fold rather than the goat line is not "inasmuch as you were fundamentally fair" -- it was "inasmuch as you fed the hungry, clothed the naked and gave water to the thirsty." And it was most certainly not "inasmuch as you "created wealth" -- it was "inasmuch as you did it unto the least of these."


  1. But the important thing is the score. Did the Dodgers win?


SOME COMMENTS ABOUT COMMENTS: •Feel free to disagree, but if you disagree, give a reason. • Please stay with the thread -- the place to post long articles on other topics is your own blog. • Challenging ideas will get a conversation going; attacking individuals will get a comment deleted.•

FINALLY: If you comment, your words are yours to do with as you please, but I reserve the right to cite them in other contexts.