Friday, October 05, 2012

"God Believes in Love" Night at All Saints Church

Just a few photos from "God Believes in Love" night at All Saints Church -- a book event helping launch +Gene Robinson's great new book subtitled "Straight Talk About Gay Marriage" and blurbed by a couple of folks you may have heard of:
“My friend, Bishop Gene Robinson, has long been a voice for equality—not with anger or vitriol, but with compassion and faith. He has been guided by the simple precept that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” —President Barack Obama
“For someone in the eye of the storm buffeting our beloved Anglican Communion, Gene Robinson is so serene; he is not a wild-eyed belligerent campaigner. I was so surprised at his generosity towards those who have denigrated him and worse. Gene Robinson is a wonderful human being, and I am proud to belong to the same church as he." —Archbishop Desmond Tutu
More about the book here.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the big man in the green shirt in the first picture. I'm trying to remember his name. I met him years ago. I am not an Episcopalean but I should be.


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