"... fa la la la la, la la la la!"
As the old year passes into the new, here's my own personal "year in review" look back at some 2013 highlights ... tick tock 2014!
January -- Inauguration Day
On January 21 I stood on the Mall in Washington DC and heard the President of the United States say these words: "We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still, just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law."
Yes, it was cold, crowded and I could have seen better from home on TV. But we were THERE and it ROCKED!
February -- Episcopal Church Convenes Task Force on the Study of Marriage
Both honored and surprised to be amongst such an august crowd of folks called to do this important work on behalf of the Episcopal Church. And grateful the Presiding Officers -- not only for the appointment, but for moving this work forward.
March -- SCOTUS Oral Arguments on DOMA and Prop 8

It was a huge month for marriage equality as oral arguments were finally heard in the Supreme Court on both the DOMA and Prop 8 cases. My favorite moment was -- and remains -- Justice Ginsberg coining the phrase
"skim milk marriage." That and the great cloud of episcopal witnesses: all the
bishops of the Episcopal Church in jurisdictions with civil marriage who signed the SCOTUS amici briefs.
April -- RNS Quote of the Day
Tickeled to have gotten the "RNS Quote of the Day"
May -- Guy Erwin elected in the Lutheran Church

Delighted by the election of my friend Guy Erwin as a bishop in the Lutheran Church. Good news not just for Lutherans but for the WHOLE church as the stained glass ceiling continues to be cracked-if-not-yet-shattered.
June -- Decision Day
Historic. Sweeping. Stunning. The long awaited SCOTUS decisions on DOMA and Prop 8 were announced June 26 with huge steps forward on Marriage Equality coming in the shadow of devasting steps backward on Voting Rights.
Slide show captures some of the joy, energy and momentum of the moment.
August -- Vacation

A much needed, enjoyed and renewing month off with time at the beach, with friends and family where baseball was watched, fiction was read and naps were taken.
September -- MSNBC

On my "bucket list" is to get on the Rachel Maddow Show. (I was on her radio show once, but Ron Reagan was guest hosting so it didn't quite count.) Didn't make it in 2013, BUT ... I got 5 seconds of fame in a promo segment that AIRED on the Rachel Maddow Show. (AKA "close, but no cigar!")
October -- Playoffs, Baby!

My Dodgers made it into the play offs and I made it into the bleachers for one of their home games. Disappointed not to have gone "all the way" but after years in the McCort Wildnerness of Baseball Hell, having the come back year we had warmed the heart of this second generation Dodger fan. Go, Blue!
October -- Engaged

The other big news in October was my engagement to Lori Kizzia. Lori and I have known other for over a decade. We were staff colleagues at All Saints Church and we remained friends when Lori left the staff and went back to graduate school after the death of her partner in 2008. After Louise's death we spent time together -- watching baseball, seeing movies, going to the theater; and the more time we spent together, the more we found we wanted to spend time together. It became clear to both of us that we were being given the gift of a relationship that was more than friendship. We continued to live into that gift -- and it is with great joy that on October 12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico we became engaged to be married (in June 2014.) And we give thanks for love that never dies and for grace to recognize it when we see it and for the God who is present in the roses and in the thorns.
November -- Grateful

Wonderful Thanksgiving with Lori's mom in Nevada -- including son Jamie (who joined us from Kentucky) and extended family ... a turkey and tofurkey feast (since we are a mixed carnivore/vegetarian tribe) and a grand, grateful time was had by all.
December -- Convention and Christmas
December started out with Diocesan Convention -- where I was honored to be elected as the first alternate clergy deputy to General Convention 2015 -- and wrapped up with a jam packed Christmas celebration -- both at church and at home and the chance to have son Brian home with us for the first time in many years.
We'll ring out the year tonight with New Year's Eve Eucharist (
streaming live at 7:30pm Pacific if you want to tune in: Ed Bacon preaching/Susan Russell celebrating!) -- and then here comes 2014 ... Bring It On!
PS -- Happy Birthday to my Jamie ... 32 today! HOW did that happen! :)
Amazing and beautiful colorful blessings in the new year.
Ah, so HERE is the "relationship update" I requested (10 days ago---I get it, you've been busy ;-/).
Mazel Tov to you and Lori! Mwah! Happy New Year!
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