Another Integrity Press Release on the "Kigali Konfab":
[September 23, 2006] Integrity expressed deep concern over the Kigali Communiqué issued yesterday by representatives of 20 "Global South" Anglican provinces following a conference in Rwanda.
"The most troubling part of the communiqué for me is that some archbishops will not recognize our new Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, at the February 2007 Primates Meeting," said Integrity President Susan Russell. "This unprecedented declaration by members of our wider Anglican family is a blow to those working for reconciliation within the Communion. How are we going to discuss and resolve our disagreements if there are those who are not willing to come to the table?"
Russell added, "The communiqué also made it clear that the represented provinces are determined to pursue a .separate ecclesiastical structure. for conservative Episcopal dioceses and parishes in the United States. This can only drive us further apart rather than bring us closer together."
Russell concluded, "We all need to be in prayer for the Archbishop of Canterbury atthis time. May the Holy Spirit grant him the wisdom and courage to do what needs to be done to preserve both the unity and the integrity of the Communion."
BACKGROUND: Kalgali Communique
You can read The Episcopal Majority's response here.
ReplyDeleteDid I miss this? I knew that the primate of Southern Africa had left and was not included in the Kigali Communique. Why then does he write to make this clear? I do understand however that he is making absolutely sure through his letter that he was NOT in agreement with what came out of Kigali.
ReplyDeleteWhy then does the Episcopalian Majority headline
read "South Africa and the Lying liars who speak them...."
Who lied?
Another thing that bothers me is that everything that comes out of the Global South is expressed as coming from ++Akinola. This has bothered me and I asked about it only to be told that he is the president (or whatever title) of the Global South Exec. committee. Fine! But I don't see him as a dictator who is acting as the dictator of the GC. There are another 20 or so primates. He is one of many -and many of that 'many' are themselves forceful articulate leaders who speak their minds. So, it seems to me unfair to be setting ++Akinola out as a sort of GS version of the ABC.
On the question of continued discussion, doesn't it come down to the fact that there are simply irreconcilable differences. that there are actually two chuches under one roof and the understanding of scripture by each group is never going to change.
Bill Channon