Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New Jersey Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

INTEGRITY STATEMENT on New Jersey Supreme Court Decision
25 October 2006—Integrity is disappointed that the New Jersey’s Supreme Court ruled today that the state constitution does not require the state to allow same-sex couples to marry. “However, we are heartened that the court mandated that the state must provide same-sex couples with the same 65 rights and responsibilities as married couples,” said Integrity President Susan Russell.

“Hopefully, the state legislature will remedy this unjust situation in the near future by extending civil marriage to same-sex couples, or at the very least, by providing civil unions. Integrity calls upon all Episcopalians in New Jersey to contact their state legislators and express support for marriage equality.” Read it all here

WASHINGTON — Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese made the following statement regarding today’s ruling in Lewis v. Harris — a court case in which the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to receive the same state benefits, protections and obligations as opposite-sex married couples. The court ruled that the Legislature must either amend its marriage law to include same-sex couples or provide these benefits, protections and obligations by some other means such as civil unions.

Today, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples should have the same rights and obligations as heterosexual couples. This is, at its core, a pro-family, pro-equality decision. It is now in the hands of the Legislature to do the right thing, and recognize that all New Jersey families should have the protections that only marriage provides. Read it all here

1 comment:

  1. So why are we "disappointed" when the decision takes what is clearly a pro-family, pro-equality position?

    1 - Because separate but equal is inherently unequal

    2 - Because "liberty and justice for all" doesn't come with an * that says "except for gay and lesbian families"


    3 - Because Jesus didn't settle for less than "thy Kingdom come" and neither will we.


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