Monday, December 11, 2006

Quote of the week

We've now heard from the Iraq Study Group, but we need the White House to become the Iraq Results Group. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton responding to the Iraq Study Group's recommendations


  1. I don't know what her most current position on the war is, but, unfortunately, Hillary Clinton has over the last three years been one of the most consistent supporters of the war. She has not offered a moral voice for peace--on the contrary, she has been one of the biggest warmongers in the Democratic Party--and as a result she has been on the wrong side of the issue pretty much from the beginning. As an opponent of the war, I don't take much stock in anything she has to say about Iraq.

  2. It would have been nice to have Senator speaking these types of tough words earlier in the lead-up to the war (she was a firm advocate of going into this war until quite recently)

    Obama, 08

  3. Peter -- my thoughts exactly.

    I used to like Hillary, until she started pandering to the right wing on every issue under the sun, including gay marriage and the war in Iraq. It's too bad -- I once had great hopes for her possible run. Also, at the present time, you still need the South to win, and she's never gonna get the South.

  4. I agree with the above criticisms that point out that she has been one of the most consistent supporters of the war. She does not represent a progressive voice in American politics. There wouldn't be a need for an Iraq Study Group to try to find an exit strategy if the war Clinton had been supporting hadn't happened in the first place. As it is, the ISG's recommendations leave out a lot, including any real blame for the war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Helen Thomas, the venerable former White House reporter, complained vociferously about this very thing. While war hawk Democrats like Clinton try to find an "honorable" way out of an illegal and immoral war of occupation that they supported, the issues of fundamental responsibility get ignored.

  5. I'm just pleased to see someone with Senator Clinton's profile and platform stepping up and reminding the country where the buck stops on this debacle.


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