Tuesday, January 23, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Chicken Little Wrong Again!

No Boycott of Primates Meeting

Looks like Chicken Little was wrong again ... the sky is NOT falling as Fr. Jake reported yesterday from the Anglican Front:
Last month, Archbishop Orombi of Uganda announced that the Global South Primates told the Archbishop of Canterbury that "they cannot sit together with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori at the upcoming Primates Meeting in February." Dr. Williams invited our Presiding Bishop. This led some to wonder if Abp. Orombi and his fellow Primates would make good their threat of a boycott. Earlier this month, there were reports that the boycott was off.
That has now been confirmed by some of those present at the recent Anglican Mission in America Conference (AMiA is a breakaway group that is not in communion with Canterbury).
Read it all here ... and stay tuned for the NEXT installment of "Chicken Little Is Wrong Again" ... it's clearly a recurring plot line in "As The Anglican World Turns!"


  1. you may not be getting comments here but your Chicken Little note is getting a lot of "ink" in the reasserters spaces.

  2. Okay, I'll admit to being an ELCA Lutheran. But have you Episcopalians considered the ramifications of using the term "primates".

  3. Ann ... well, there you go. Not the first time I've used the "Chicken Little" comparison and -- sadly -- likely not to be the last.

    Valerie ... why yes, yes we have. Even Archbishop Ndungane (his ownself an actual Primate) has jested about the difference between Primates and primates is that primates don't make monkeys out of themselves. But I think we're stuck with it at the moment.

  4. It's about time ++Rowan actually DID something. And the jets have been cooled on the out-of-order African bishops. But I just have applaud Bishop Lee of Virginia and the action he has taken to inhibit the 21 secessionist priests in his diocese...got to love that. Go to The Living Church to read the whole article.


  5. Catherine, it had to be done, and it had to be done when it was done -- if it had waited, the schismatic priests could theoretically have voted in the election of our next Bishop Coadjutor this weekend even as they left.

    Jim Trigg, Episcopalian layman in the Diocese of Virginia


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