Friday, February 23, 2007


It's been a busy day over at Schism Central AKA The Anglican American Council. First, David ("I like a good fight") Anderson (note that I'm giving up the "Canon" for Lent) called for Bishop Gene Robinson's "removal" in his response to the Primates Communique on the Anglican Mainstream website:

“It makes it so clear that Gene Robinson is unacceptable in his capacity as Bishop that he is going to have to go. He could either go gracefully and resign or he’s going to have to be removed. Otherwise, TEC cannot meet the demands of the communique.

“It is very difficult to say if he will go gracefully. He has been the poster boy for the gay and lesbian community. He might actually be at some risk from his own community if he steps down voluntarily. It might be better for him to be forced out than to step down voluntarily.“

"A case could be brought against him in an ecclesiastical court, based on his personal moral conduct. If the court was hand-picked, as many courts are, to find the verdict that was desired, he could be found guilty. Once a complaint was filed in the ecclesiastical system, Bishop Jefferts Schori would call an ecclesiastical court of bishops for a trial. That is how proceedings would be instigated. A complaint could be put in by a group of bishops, presbyters or laity.”

"Risk from his own community???????" I thought then that David had finally gone over the looney-ledge but then a Press Release hit from his AAC office which included this "breaking news":

In a related development, the AAC also announced this week its formation of a Communiqué Compliance Office, which will monitor TEC’s acts of compliance and non-compliance with respect to the primates’ requirements throughout the period leading up to the Sept. 30 deadline.

“As a non-ecclesial body, the AAC is in a unique position to function as a watchdog on TEC’s compliance with the demands of the Dar es Salaam communiqué,” Canon Anderson explained. “Over the coming months, the newly created office will continuously gather information from around the United States and provide monthly accountings to the primates so that there is no doubt where TEC stands when the clock runs out.”

The AAC asks that anyone with pertinent information on TEC compliance to the communiqué’s demands send that information to the AAC by email or U.S. Postal mail (visit for contact information).


I'm left with only one unanswered question: Will the Compliance Officers be issued Brown Shirts or Black and when can I expect the knock on my door in the night?


UPDATE: And because I COULDN'T make this stuff up if I tried here's even MORE evidence that David formerly-of-Newport-Beach-now-of-Nigeria has gone off the Deep End ...

Press Release: AAC Lifts Inhibitions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 23, 2007

The American Anglican Council (AAC) announced today that the 21 recent Virginia inhibitions are null and void and declared them lifted. When the clergy from two of the three Episcopal dioceses in the state of Virginia were declared inhibited in January by the current bishop of middle and northern Virginia, the Rt. Rev. Peter Lee, the clergy he acted against had already transferred to other Anglican jurisdictions.

Subsequently, Bishop Lee has defaulted on his agreed Protocol that he and other Diocese of Virginia representatives worked out with representatives of the churches investigating departure. With the filing of litigation against 11 churches by the bishop and Diocese of Virginia, the Protocol seems to have been unilaterally dishonored and abrogated, raising many questions about all agreements between the congregations and the diocese. In addition, Bishop Lee's failure to discontinue the litigation following the Anglican primates' specific request to do so in their recent Dar Es Salaam communiqué demonstrates even further a lack of respect for not only Anglicans within his own state but also for the Anglican Communion and its leaders world-wide.

AAC President Canon David C. Anderson announced today that, after a careful examination of the facts, the inhibitions imposed on the 21 Virginia clergy associated with the departing congregations were baseless and without jurisdiction, and therefore have been lifted.
Asked by what authority the AAC could lift the inhibitions, Canon Anderson replied: “By what authority did Bishop Lee attempt to impose the inhibitions on clergy belonging to Uganda and Nigeria? Those faithful clergy are now declared Uninhibited for Christ!”


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    So am thinking maybe we should flood the AAC with notes saying that we have no intention of encouraging anyone to comply witht the communique--maybe on a daily basis?

  2. although that comment about the brown and black made me crack a smile, at the same time its so sad and true. I greatly enjoy your corner! glad to have found it!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Did anyone else notice that the sky is falling???

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM



    That was fun. Now, then. These people are really crazy, aren't they? They act like they're talking about the IRS or something. They know that church membership is voluntary in the United States, right? And that they don't actually own Jesus? Is their big plan to make church membership so absurdly contentious that we'll all leave, and they can process around their empty churches by themselves?

  5. Let's not forget who is paying for Canon David+ Anderson's and the AAC's microphone-- and why. Follow the money!


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