"Bravo!" to the Diocese of Wyoming for this letter sent yesterday to the House of Bishops as they prepare to meet at Camp Allen. Might others be encouraged by their witness and "go and do likewise."
To The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
and Bishops of The Episcopal Church:
We write to you as members of the House of Deputies elected by the Diocese of Wyoming. After reading the requirements of the Primates'Communiqué we recommend that you reject these requests. We are called to be a progressive and forward looking church that believes in inclusiveness and promotes tolerance. We have always tried to be a church that includes a diversity of people gathered in common worship.
It is clear that any move to appease some of the Primates only results in more restrictive requests. Pausing from or denying ordinations and blessings of our gay and lesbian members betrays ourbaptismal covenant and our non-discrimination canons. Our future as a church for generations to come depends on our staying true to our call.
In regard to the Primatial Vicar plan, we feel it will only further entrench divisions in our church and involve bishops from other Provinces in our polity. This is counter to the long history of Anglican autonomy among sister churches.
We believe the House of Deputies needs to be heard. The Presiding Bishop and the House of Bishops must not act unilaterally in our behalf. A special convention would be a waste of time and money. The 2000, 2003, 2006 General Conventions clearly communicated our position of full inclusion of gays and lesbians in The Episcopal Church. The matter of a Primatial Vicar can wait until 2009.
Thank you for your consideration of our requests.
Thank you Diocese of Wyoming, for your love and support. "They will know we are Christians by our Love".