Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Midweek News Roundup

Catching up on the news of the week, here are some pieces that caught my eye:

The Daily Californian offered this profile of a seminarian preparing for ordination in the Episcopal Church while the Albany Times Union has this piece on Bishop Bena bolting to Nigeria. I guess that comes under "you win some/you lose some."
The Atlanta Constitution ran a great op-ed by Patricia Templeton entitled Gospel outweighs staying Anglican. Brava!
Venturing briefly into blogland, Matt Kennedy has posted this summary reflection on his time observing Executive Council and Jim Naughton is linking to an interesting Podcasts for Lent site.
And on "You Tube" Ana Hernandez & Cynthia Black have teamed up for musical and visual meditations for Lent I and Lent II. Very cool!
The Christian Post points to the New Jersey resolution expressing regret for B033 while Episcopal News Service offers this overview of the TEAM Conference happening in Capetown this week.
Speaking of TEAM -- a gathering intended to provide the churches and provinces of the Anglican Communion with "a shared vision and a shared energy for the tasks outlined in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)" -- information and updates on the work being done in Capetown can be found here ... including a webcast of the opening Eucharist ... and this blog has been created for the young adults attending the conference to offer their reflections ... definitely worth "bookmarking" and thanks to Sara McGinley for the heads up!
Enough of the news, already! Back to my regularly scheduled Wednesday of Lenten small group stuff, Easter Vigil planning and Vestry/Staff Conference coming this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting summary by Matt Kennedy. I think he hit the nail on its head as to where we stand in TEC today....using his labels, the "institutionalists" vs the "ideologicalists". In a nutshell, he has spelled out the prevailing positions. We should all take heed and understand fully the differences. Only then can we proceed to plan our strategies for moving forward. I thank him for his insight. It has helped me a great deal.


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