Monday, March 12, 2007

Some thoughts on the future of the Episcopal Church

Thanks to Daily Episcopalian for pointing us to this sobering-but-excellent analysis by Nick Knisely (AKA The Very Reverend Nicholas Knisey of Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix) on his blog Entangled States.

You should read it all here ... but here's his summation:

Any response by the Episcopal Church to the Communique will be judged to be wanting by the voices on the right-end of the spectrum and any perceived acceptance of an honest response of the part of TEC by the other Provinces of the Communion would be used as justification to begin the realignment. In other words, speaking as an Episcopalian, this is no longer about us, or about the GLBT members of the Episcopal Church. This is about a global reformation focused around the actions of Church of England. We can see the stark truth now of the old african proverb -- when elephants fight, it is the grass that is trampled.

and conclusion:

I’m finding that I’m drawn more and more to the parallels between the relationship of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion on one hand and the Joseph and the other 11 sons of the Patriarch Jacob on the other. Joseph’s brothers decided that they could not tolerate his presence among them and took actions which sent him away from the rest of family and into that region beyond. But God used that act and Joseph’s life in Egypt to create a place that ultimately saved the lives of his father and his brothers.

Perhaps as the Episcopal Church is told to walk apart and to go forth into a new world-view, it will be our task to find ways that the Christian Gospel can be preached effectively to a people for whom the old ways no longer work. And that some day God will bring all the members of the family back together again in a way that causes us to recognize that we need each other and we are not meant to live apart.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that he believes the TEC to be analogous to Joseph, but Joseph was pleasing to his father (which is compared to the Anglican community). A lot of people would say the comparison of the TEC to the prodigal son would be more apt whose actions were definitely not pleasing to the Father.


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