Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Bishop of Utah Responds

On March 31st Utah's Bishop Irish offered her "Report on the Spring Meeting of the House of Bishops" to her diocese. You can read it all here ... but here's how it starts:
Bishop Katharine, who has been in office only about three or four months, reported to us her experience of the Dar es Salaam meeting. She said it was ‘not entirely unpleasant’. She enjoyed getting acquainted with the other new primates (14 in all) and receiving supportive comments by the primates of other Provinces.*
Incidentally, she did not sign the Communiqué, as was feared or rumored; no one did. The document was quite positive in fact until the last night when it all began to go downhill. The penultimate version of it included a comment about respect for the Episcopal Church, whereupon the primate of Nigeria rose to say he had no respect for the Episcopal Church, so that clause was removed. At 11:30 p.m. the Archbishop asked if the version we eventually received was OK, and most or all said yes. Katharine herself said she would bring it to our House of Bishops.
* She did, however, allow that the low point of the meeting occurred when one of the Primates, when asked about the learning and listening process to understand homosexual orientation, remarked “We don’t study murder; why should be study homosexuality.” This was too much even for the Archbishop of Canterbury.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Bishop Katharine, thank you and God bless you, you are in my prayers, peace, love, fatih, and hope.....


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