Monday, April 16, 2007


Episcopal Life Online is reporting:

Archbishop of Canterbury announces plans to visit the Episcopal Church
April 16, 2007

[Lambeth Palace] The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has announced that he intends to visit the United States this fall in response to the invitation from the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church.

Speaking in a press conference in Toronto April 16, Williams said he would undertake the visit together with members of the Standing Committee of the Primates and the Anglican Consultative Council.

"I look forward to some sharing of our experiences as pastors as well as discussion of the business of the Communion," he said. "These are complicated days for our church internationally and its all the more important to keep up personal relationships and conversations ... My aim is to try and keep people around the table for as long as possible on this, to understand one another, and to encourage local churches."


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Interesting that he has been in contact with some bishops in TEC already. Also intersting that he won't face the HOB alone -- he's bringing the exec council. The word coward comes to mind. he is as deep in the African's pocket as it's possible to be.

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Actually James, I believe that it was the TEC House of Bishops that invited each of those paries in their statement form Texas. This move may be better, because it raises the visit to an official status, not just "Rowan goes on Holiday."


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