Monday, April 02, 2007

Easter Evangelism 101

Kudos to creative minds in the Diocese of California finding creative ways to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the Episcopal Church reaching out to all in the name of the Risen Lord this Easter!
They're running an ad entitled "We're the Troublemakers" in the Bay Area press ... and it starts like this:
What's the trouble? You may have read about it in the press. Lots of Episcopalians believe in full-inclusion of GLBT people in the church. Doing things like ordaining gays and lesbians and blessing same-sex unions. Some folks disagree with us about the rights of GLBT people. They say that we're troublemakers. Fine. We believe that the Episcopal Church welcomes everyone. And we welcome you to come and share the gift of Easter ...
See their ad here ... Bravo!


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    God is alive and well within our soul. Oh happy day, let us shout with joy during this Holy week. "Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world". We will and are making history, let us bring all to God's church, let us be bright and shining stars of what is good and right about Jesus!!!!

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    If only we could do something like that, proclaim the good news, what joy!!

  3. One of these churches (St. Aidan's, SF) is my home.

    If this is "making trouble," I am proud to do it.


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