Thursday, June 07, 2007

God willing and the people consenting ...

... the Diocese of Los Angeles will ordain to the sacred order of deacons nine new servants of the Gospel: Bonnie Patricia Brandon, Veronica Mary Carlsen, Ann Hazard Gillespie, Daniel Ross Morrow, David Stuart Maurer, Karen Diane Maurer, Lester Vivian Mackenzie, Ada Yuk-Ying Nagata & Hui Liang Ni on Saturday June the Ninth.

I will miss the big day as we will be on vacation (WOO HOO!) but rejoice in the diversity of the candidates and in the joy and energy they bring to their new ministries as deacons in the church of God. I'm also rejoicing at a personal level as:

Bonnie is a long-time friend whose partner is one of the chairs of our Diocesan Reconciliation Team,

Ann was sponsored for ordination from All Saints Pasadena and graduated with distinction from VTS,

Lester is the grandson of Bishop Edward MacKenzie (formerly of Capetown SA and now in residence in the Diocese of Los Angeles) and a great friend and ally and

David and Karen and I go back to Cursillo team Praise Band days when we had opportunities to make some very joyful noise together. (And might I note to the diversity squad out there monitoring such things that David and Karen are graduates of TESM ... that would be Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. Please file that way for the next time this "liberal" diocese of mine gets attacked for excluding and oppressing anyone who doesn't "tow the liberal progressive party line." Thanks!)

In the meantime please keep ALL these new deacons-to-be in your prayers and rejoice with us in their ministries!


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "tow the liberal progressive party line."

    Nit pick in passing; I believe that's "Toe the line", not "Tow the line".


  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Transitional or permanent?



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