Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Letters to Lambeth

If you are so inclined ...

All Saints Church, Pasadena is offering an online opportunity to drop a note to the Archbishop of Canterbury regarding his exclusion of the Bishop of New Hampshire from the invite list for Lambeth 2008.

These "online actions" are new for us so check it out and see how it works ....

.... if you are so inclined!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Today I received a surprise in my mailbox--A reply letter from Lambeth Palace. Being a rather new Episcopalian (3 yrs now) these things get my attention. It made me glad they took the time to respond, all on their pretty stationary and signed by one of the worker bees due to the See's busy schedule. At least I know they got it. But I wasn't so happy after reading the letter. Basically trying to blame the Windsor report for leaving the ABC with no other choice but to not invite. Then catch phrases like Gene Robinsons "chosen lifestyle". What is clear to me about Rev. Robinson's lifestyle is that he has chosen to follow God. Well Flora (who actually issued the letter) I direct you and the ABC back to your respective prayer closets.


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