Friday, June 22, 2007

Survivor: The Canadian Primate Version

Congratulations to the Anglican Church of Canada on the election of a new primate: Bishop Fred Hiltz.
One email correspondent gleefully announced "It's A Boy!" ... and in digging around the web for some background came across this great video bit ... ENJOY!

Meanwhile, Fr. Jake, as usual, is right on top of the Canadian election ... and the folks over in Stand Firm Land are not pleased ... while Mark Harris is recommending a round of Molson in celebration.

Finally, tomorrow is the vote on the blessing of same-sex unions in the General Synod. Here's a Canadian TV news story on the background of the upcoming vote that features Integrity Canada quite prominently. Stay tuned!

Happy Friday, Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Writing as a gay Canadian & cradle Anglican who has been sustained by two decades of deep dharma practice, I am profoundly grateful for the gift God has given us in the election of (+)+ Fred Hiltz at this time.
    This week-end has been one long, prayerful held-breath as General Synod 'does its business in Winnipeg'. Never before have I felt so deeply connected to the church of my birth, and at the same time I have never felt so alive and vitally connected to the wondrous, prayerful network LGBT brother and sisters of faith taking their place and finding their voice in this current call to Grace.
    The vote on SSB will be taking place on Monday, and I'd ask for your continued, confident prayers, knowing what great joy our prayers bring God,proof of the wondrous work Her Grace has worked amoung we LGBT people.


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