Friday, July 06, 2007

Bits and Pieces

It's a very busy weekend here in Pasadena -- three funerals and a wedding (I know, I know -- it's supposed to be the other way around!) -- and actually the wedding is an interfaith blessing at Disney Hall tomorrow night so that will be first for me! Add to that a sermon to get finished for the bilingual service on Sunday and hospital visits to make and ... well ... you can see why my "manner of life" is such a concern to the rest of the communion.

So for today here are just a couple of "bits and pieces" that caught my eye as I websurfed through my second cup of coffee this morning before hitting the road. Have a blessed Friday, everyone -- and a great weekend!

From Inclusive Church:
Inclusive Church’s aim is to support and celebrate the traditional breadth and generosity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it has been received and passed on through Anglican history and lived out in the Communion. This creates challenges when there are fundamental disagreements. But the way to respond to disagreements is not to walk apart, nor to create separate structures, nor to seek to impose one particular point of view on the Communion. It is to engage, to communicate, to speak, to listen and to learn.

From Canada:
The dust has barely settled and already, different interpretations of the decisions General Synod made last month about human sexuality have led one parish to publicly offer blessings to same-gender unions, and another to say that it would not deny a parishioner’s request for a same-sex marriage.

From Walking With Integrity:
"The sun is up and the sky isn't falling" -- by the Honorable Byron Rushing

and finally,

From Harvey and Luna:
Luna recovers from the 4th of July!

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