Monday, July 23, 2007


PFC James Russell is now ...

SPC James Russell.
Way to go, Jamie!


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Hunk alert!

  2. Congratulations! What's his MOS, anyway?

  3. Thaks, Ron.

    (What's an "MOS"?????)

  4. Rev. Susan,

    "MOS" == "Military Occupational Specialty" == his job. The Army uses two sets, one for enlisted jobs, and one for officers, or did the last time I bothered to know.

    Of course, the last time I knew, 'musketeer' may still have been available.


  5. Give him a "Hooah!" for me, Susan. If you don't know what it means, ask him -- HE will. ;)

    BTW, I know it looks harmless, but you're really not supposed to tell people even that much info about him, even to trustworthy folks like us. Intelligence is additive, & a piece here, a piece there, can add up. Unless you're talking about certain archbishops, of course. }:)


  6. Re: MOS ... Duh! I could have Googled that, eh?

    He's a helicopter crew chief.

    Re: Hooah! ... I actually DO know that one ... they gave us Hooah TSshirts when he graduated from bootcamp.

    Re: TMI ... thanks for the advice ... I would never have thought of that so I've edited my response appropriately

  7. A crew chief is what I surmised from the flight gear and the rotor boom in the background, though it seems odd that a Sp. 4 would be so, which is the pay grade after PFC; I would have guessed he was the other crew member, excluding pilots.

    I am happy to include him and his comrades in my prayers.

  8. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Well, I don't know what a crew chief does, or what rating he should have, but he is a fine young man regardless like so many of his comrades. I'm sure he serves his country with honor and is a credit to his loving mom.

    But, like his comrades, it is time he comes home.


  9. Prayers for his safety and wellbeing firstmost!


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