Walking With Integrity has a new piece "For the Record" which I would commend to you even if I hadn't written it myself!
Mark Harris offers a particularly insightly reflection on Bishop Orombi's "What Is Anglicanism." I'm going to give it another read tomorrow alongside Terry Holmes' classic work of the same title. Would make an interesting small group study to compare the two, wouldn't it? Hmmm ....
I did some reading about the film "Save Me" which kicks off the L.A. OUTFEST and we're going to see tomorrow night. I was up for it already as one of the stars is Chad Allen -- an All Saints parishioner -- and we were looking forward to being there and being supportive of him in his work. But the more I read about it the film the cooler it sounds ... check out this quote from Christianity Today: "One of the things that struck me about this film was how the filmmakers (some who are themselves gay as we learned during the question and answer time following the screening) portrayed the motives and stories of the conservative Christians who lead the ex-gay ministry with tenderness and grace. Is it possible that many in the gay community are more gracious in their understanding of Evangelical Christians than we are towards them?" More about that after I see the film!
Finally, in the "it must be a slow news day department" the AAC (American Anglican Council) blog is leading with the story of last Saturday's blessing at Disney Hall. Must admit to being amused (along with the several folks who emailed me about it) by comment #5 from "Dawn" ... who seems to think I work at 815.
Not so much.
Here endeth the "bits and pieces."
A little late. I have already left.
ReplyDeleteYou win. Rejoice!
We've been saying it since 2002. You're the one who made the choice to leave.
ReplyDeleteNobody "wins." Go in Peace!
I am sure J.B. on HoB/D can explain how you control 915 without being on staff. Or wait is that Dr. Crew or Fr. Michael? I get so confused when I try to app;y logic to the ravings of the conspiracy folks.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a long commute to New York?
I am always surprised (stupid me) at the illogic of the conspiracy people. ACCanada votes in both the house of layity and the house of clergy, where the representatives are elected to permit what they call, "SSB" liturgies as a local option. The bishops, you know the ones with the hot tickets to Lambeth and a taste for British parties, vote no, and they announce the liberals are in control!!
It may just be that I don't understand what you and Michael Hopkins are saying, here. But I find it hard to think that there will still be room for conservatives in the big tent when Ed Bacon says "We must put an end to any portrayal of God that says that without Jesus and the crucifixion we are left standing condemned." http://walkingwithintegrity.blogspot.com/2007/07/to-stand-in-crucified-place.html
ReplyDeleteTo me that reads as though the Rev Bacon is saying the evangelical view of the cross is something that he beliveds should be done away with
Your rebuking in the comments on the AAC post about the Disney Hall event made my loosely organized mind wonder a few things.
ReplyDeleteIsn't rebuking someone on the internet kind of like getting healed by placing your hand on the television screen? I always wondered if the healing still worked when the show was pre-recorded. So, what happens to the rebuke if the rebuker's server goes down? Science and theology in conflict again!
Actually, I suspect this fellow goes around rebuking other folks all the time when he perceives that they they don't measure up.
obidiahslope -- Ed Bacon is the recor of All Saints Church and both speaks and preaches his own mind on many, many things.
ReplyDeleteMy point was to draw attention -- ONCE AGAIN -- to the official, institutional platform/position/agenda of Integrity ... as articulated by Michael in 2002 and as lived out through my term as president.
We are not asking anyone to leave.
We are not suggsting agreement as a criterion for inclusion.
We believe there is room for everyone at the table.
Even people who disagree with Ed Bacon about how (not IF!) the cross is salvific.
Your mileage may vary.