Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And now for something completely different ...

Larry Craig on "nasty boy" Bill Clinton:

Bless his heart ...


  1. He certainly made for himself a hard row to hoe over the years.

  2. Judge not that ye be not judged. . .

  3. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

  4. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Dear Rev. Russell:

    I'm interested to know why gay people are reveling in the downfall of Sen. Craig.
    The idea that police lurk in restrooms and rest stops basically trying to entrap gay men into what is a consensual sex act would seem to me to be anti-gay.
    As a straight person, I don't understand people (hetereo or gay) who meet up for anonymous sex and I really don't want it in public bathrooms, but I also worry that police are working overtime to entrap people in consensual activities that really don't rise to the level of a major crime.
    As a political independent, I get the hypocrisy thing and I'm glad Craig resigned. (Something Democrat legislators who get caught in similar situations never do - Barney Frank - the representative in Louisiana who had $90,000 in his freezer - Ted Kennedy - I could go on and on). But why gay people would rejoice in a situation that really shines a poor light on a segment of the gay lifestyle mystifies me.
    When Bill Clinton gets caught in an act that in corporate America would constitute sexual harrassment in the workplace, liberals defend him as the act being one of two consenting adults and not important to his position.
    What gives?
    Just to be clear, Craig got everything he deserved, I'm glad he's gone, I just don't get the glee from those on the left who support gay rights.

    A sinner saved by God's Grace.

    Jim from Michigan

  5. JIm -- I haven't actually seen much "reveling" ... what I've seen is critique of the internalized homophobia that manifests itself in the kind of hypocricy that made Larry Craig an outspoken opponent to equal rights for GLBT Americans while he was trolling for sex in public restrooms.


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