Monday, October 22, 2007

For the Bible Tells Me So

If you haven't seen it yet, here's a trailer to whet your appetite:

We screened the film here at All Saints last night with a panel discussion following (a biblical scholar, psychiatrist and one of the film's producers) to a packed house ... full-up Forum ... Standing Room Only crowd.

If you have the chance to see it don't pass it up. Here are some screening times and venues ... will keep you posted on when the DVD will be out.


  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    My wife and I saw the film in Palm Springs last week. It made us proud to be Episcopalians. Quite frankly, Mother Susan, I really disagree with the emphasis so many people on both sides give to this issue. Some us are born attracted to the opposite sex and some are born attracted to the same sex. So what. This is neither good or bad. It just "is." Let's forget about this irrelevant detail and get on with spreading the gospel. Whatever the ABC, HOB, DioCon or GenCon does, I could care less. I just want to serve Mass. What everyone does in bed away from church is none of my business and what I do none of theirs. Instead, the focus for me at Church is JESUS, Blessed, Praised and Adored in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and in the hearts of his faithful people, regardless of their sexual orientation. DAVID JUSTIN LYNCH, Esquire

  2. Susan,

    I hope to see the film, soon ... very important stuff here. I also recommend the book "Those Seven Passages" which was written by John Dwyer, a friend of mine from seminary , it's available on amazon, and I've mentioned it here:

    Peace to you, Peter

  3. One of the producers of the film told an acquaintance of minie that the DVD is scheduled for release in January.

    The film has been extended at the Edwards on Alton Pkwy in Irvine.


  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This is how it works. Someone reinterprets the story of Sodom, claiming that it does not condemn homosexuality, but gang rape. Orthodox theologians respond, in a commendable but naïve attempt to rebut him, naïve because these theologians presume that reinterpreter believes his own arguments, and is writing as a scholar, not as a propagandist. The revisionist ignores the arguments of his critics, dismissing their objections as based on homophobia, and repeats his original position. The orthodox respond again as if they were really dealing with a theologian. And back and forth for a few more rounds. Until finally the revisionist or someone like him stands up and announces, "You know, this is getting us nowhere. We have our exegesis and our theology. You have yours. Why can't we just agree to disagree?" That sounds so reasonable, so ecumenical. And if the orthodox buy into it, they have lost, because the gay rights apologists have earned a place at the table from which they will never be dislodged. Getting at the truth about Sodom and Gomorrah, or correctly parsing the sexual ethics of St. Thomas, was never really the issue. Winning admittance to Holy Communion was the issue.

  5. I'm not just interested in spreading the gospel (THAT, after all is half of this controversy). I'm much more interested in extending Christ's radical welcome to the rest of the world, caring for the disenfranchised, working to alleviate poverty and injustice. I think the Episcopal church is an amazing institution for that kind of work.

    So let's hope the David-style-moderates will come to see that we aren't emphasizing anything other than our existence as threads in the fabric of the church. (And strong, bright, shiny ones at that!).


  6. I hate to think, given what anonymous got into this discussion what the crud you do not pass through is like. Scarry.

    Yes, anon, getting into communion is the object. Isn't that what St. Paul and St. Peter were doing when they met at Jerusalem? ;;sigh;;


  7. Yes, please keep us up-to-date on the release of the DVD. I don't think this is one of the U.S. films which will appear in theatres in Panamá.

  8. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I just watched the film at our local indie cinema. (Thank goodness for them - you can be sure this film won't make it onto any other screens here in this bible belt town.)

    Wish I hadn't gone alone. It was very difficult emotionally. Just as we gays are real people, not simply an "issue" or a "lifestyle", so are our wounds and scars real, not just rhetorical. This movie brought back pain of years growing up in fundamentalist churches and family.

    I no longer go to church. I hope that I can still find a way to help in this struggle. The stakes are too high to let ignorance and hatred win the day. Though, as the credits rolled, I felt little hope.

    Thanks for what you do, Susan.

    South Carolina

  9. Does the film, like the trailer I just watched, present the majority of opponents of support for homosexuality as being motivated by hate?

    You tell a lie often enough times and the whole world will believe it.

    True enough, unfortunately. Our modern technology enables dissemination of lies much better than it did in WWII. Of course, that cuts both ways - which side of this debate is lying?

    Yes, it's true that people have selected texts from the Bible to justify slavery and many other evils. What I don't see people who make that argument say very often is that it's also true that people have used texts from the Bible to testify against great evils that have swept over the world and to fight them. Once again, which is happening here? And which side is doing which?

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'd like to agree with anon#1 (Justin), but anon#2 types make it hard.

    This is a moving film, particularly because it highlights conflicts and partial resolutions between parents and gay children. Nobody's a monster here. Dobson, however, is a complete coward.


  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "threads in the fabric of the church. (And strong, bright, shiny ones at that!)."

    This is totally going on a throw pillow.


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